I was just doing a bit if web surfing and visited the National Hurricane Center web site. I see there are two hurricanes in the Atlantic. While hurricane season officially runs through November 30, it is getting kind of late in the season to have a storm. Shary is heading out to the middle of the Atlantic and isn’t a threat to anyone. However Tomas is heading to south the area of Cuba. It could be in the Gulf of Mexico next week. We will have to keep an eye on this one. Earlier this year, the city of Houston erected these signs showing the projected storm surge from a hurricane. In case you did not know, hurricanes are rated from 1 to 5 with 5 being the worst. The categories are defined by wind speed. A storm has to have sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour to be a hurricane. A category 5 storm has winds above 155 miles per hour. Anyways here is a picture of Elizabeth standing in front of the sign closest to our house. As you can see in the event of a major Category 4 storm, the water would be up to Elizabeth’s neck. A category 5 would put her underwater. We really do not have a lot of faith in these. Two years ago hurricane Ike roared through here. Its wind speed made it a category 2 storm. However the storm surge was that of a category 4 storm. However this area did not flood. It really does not make much difference to us. If a category 4 or 5 storm is headed our way, we will be out of here. As for the house, that is why we have insurance. Right in front of Elizabeth is a drainage bayou. However we are still about 12 miles from Galveston bay and 30 from the Gulf of Mexico.
Today was a good day so far. This morning I had some work to do around the house. One of the items was to lower the garage door key pad. This allows us to open the garage door from outside. It is really handy however it was too high for Elizabeth. The person who put it up must have been over 6 foot tall. We also took a little drive since it is such a beautiful day. Bright sunshine, low humidity and temperatures in the low 70’s. This is the reward for suffering through July and August. Right now Elizabeth is napping. I will get her up in a few minutes so we can get to church for Mass at 5. Have a pleasant evening.