Elizabeth Here
Hello Dear Friends,
I wanted to drop in and say hello. I am doing much better. Last week we had a few scary days however we quickly found out what the issue was and I am back on the road to healing. We now have a couple health issues we are working on. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and Miss Candi. They were real troopers last week.
I am learning the true meaning of a simple life.  It is doing the things I enjoy at a slow pace and staying true to myself. If I don't enjoy something or someplace then I don't put in on my To Do List. It is simple as that.  My moto now is to enjoy life on life's terms. John 10:10 The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.  
I won't be starting another blog however I will drop by here when I can and write a post.
 I can always be reach snail mail . I don't spend much time on line.
Thank you for love, prayers and support.
Have a wonderful day and I will chat with you soon..