New AC System

In addition to the job change we have had another ongoing project this week.  And like almost all our projects it quickly got to be a much bigger issue than we first thought.  In our part of the world air conditioning is essential.  The AC unit for our house was the original.  That means it was 14 years old and it was builder quality (not the best) and it had a very small leak.  Since AC companies have little work this time of the year you can generally get a good deal.  Since our luck is that our system would give up on July 4 and we would not be able to replace until after the week end, a week end which I am sure would be the hottest of the year, we decided to replace it now.  We did get a good deal and scheduled the work for the beginning of this week.  The ac units are in the attic.  While installing one of the workers stepped off the beam and right through the sheet rock putting a big hole in the ceiling of the room below.  The company was very good and told us to have it fixed and they would pay for it.  So the AC work was done it 2 days but the repair and painting took 2 more.  Then as the contractor was looking around the house he pointed out another spot where they had damaged the ceiling.  So now we need to have that fixed.  This one is in the kitchen and since the kitchen, breakfast room, living room and dining room all have a continuous ceiling half the house has to have the ceiling painted.  We have been talking about having that half of the house painted so we decided to have it done now as long as the painter will be here.  That will take the better part of next week.  And we will need to spend this week end moving stuff.  So what was originally a 2 day job in just the attic and outside will now be a 2 week job through most of the house.  On top of that last night I got up on the attic and inspected the new unit.  I had counted and there are 12 outlets in the various rooms.  I counted the ducts from the unit and there were only 11.  Then I notice a hole in the outlet plenum,.  This would just blow cold air into the attic where we  do not want it.  It seems they just forgot to connect it.  So they had to come back today and finish their work.  Don’t you love it when thing work out like that?