July 22
It is nearly 8 AM and I am finishing my morning work.  After my post yesterday, it was a very relaxed day.  I napped in the afternoon.  I think it was a combination residual effect of the anesthesia and not much sleep the night before.  When I was awake I watched Thursday’s stage of the Tour de France that I had recorded.  It was quite exciting.  I know not everyone is into cycling but the Tour must be one of the most difficult sporting events in the world.  After that Elizabeth made a wonderful supper.  She roasted a chicken with carrots and potatoes.  It was so good.

After supper we went for a little drive.  It was an opportunity to get out and get a little fresh air and sunshine.  Elizabeth drove as I was really not up to it.  After we got home we watched an episode of the Mentalist for a DVD we purchased.  I know the show has aired for several years but we only recently discovered it.  We really like it.  We called it an early night.
Today I feel much better.  This can be a difficult time.  Although I feel good, I know inside I am still very sick.  The doctor said what I need most right now is just time to heal.  That was why I will need to stay off the bike for a couple of weeks.  So my plan for today is to again park on the couch and watch the last mountain stage of the Tour.  I know Elizabeth needs a few groceries so a trip to Kroger’s is also on the schedule.  She shops while I sit and read. 
One thing that we will have to be more diligent about is diet.  The doctor stressed several time that I need to minimize fiber right now while my colon is trying to heal.  Whatever Elizabeth prepares I am sure it will be delicious.

July 21 update
Since April we have been fighting a Colitis flare up.  It takes so long because my doctor will prescribe a course of Prednisone (steroids).  It starts at some dosage like 30 mg per day that then tapers down over 4 to 6 weeks.  This stuff is great at stopping the inflammation but once I am off it the inflammation would come back.  After the most recent round did not work she decided she needed to see what was going on, literally.  This meant a colonoscopy.  If you have never had one, the procedure itself is no problem.  They knock you out.  The problem is the day before.  That is the day of the big purge to clean out the colon.  That means clear liquid diet.  Below is a picture of my meals that day.

In addition I had to take two doses of industrial strength laxative.  One was at 6 the other was at 10.  All in all not the most restful evening.  Earlier that day Elizabeth had to run several errands related to the procedure.  Since we were not 100% certain I would not end up in the hospital for an extended stay, I got a haircut. Normally I go to a barber shop that includes a man’s name. Jeff’s was my favorite.  This time Elizabeth convinced me to try place we had seen before named Rooster’s.  I had imagined it was more like a salon than a barber shop but I was very wrong.  It was very much like a old fashion barber shop.  The service was a bit more than I normally get but it was very nice and most enjoyable.

Today we got up and Elizabeth ate.  I had nothing, not even a glass of water.  I was under orders, nothing my mouth after midnight.  We had all of our stuff together and about 8:20 off we went.  We picked up an old neighbor first so Elizabeth would have some support.  This was not my first rodeo.  It fact this is the fifth time I have had this done.  Mine is a little different.  Two years ago I had to have a section of my colon removed.  Now my digestive system ends on my left side with an Ostomy bag.  That is where she has to insert the probe.  When the doctor came to see Elizabeth it was good news, bad news.  The good news is the Colitis has not spread farther into my colon and there does not appear to be any cancer.  Every time my system gets inflamed, the chance of cancer does increase.  The bad news is the area right around the opening in my side is now inflamed.  So we got some additional medicine to try to treat this.  This is in addition to another round of steroids.  Right now she is not going to increase my Remicade does.  She does not want to play that card yet.  If the new medicine does not work she will try an increased Remicade does.  If that does not work she will try a different drug and if that does not work they will have to remove my entire colon.  That is an option we really need to avoid.

So right now I am on the couch.  I have strict orders to lay low until next Wednesday.  I will let my nurse take care of me.  Elizabeth is wonderful at that.  She works so hard to take care of me.  She watches my food and researches recipes.  She dogs the insurance stuff and at the center today she is the one who talked with the doctor.  I was in no condition to really understand.  I am so lucky and grateful to have her in my life.  Thanks honey for all you do.  I love you.

July 10 update
I figured it was time for a blog update.  In fact way past time.  I will not say I have been too busy but I will say I have been busy and this blog is just too low a priority. We enjoyed a nice visit with my son Bryan.  He was in town on leave.  Now he is on his way to a deployment over seas.  We will pray for him every day until he returns safe and sound in about a year.

In addition to the normal stuff I do on weekends (run errands, work around the house and yard, walk Candi etc), July is also Tour month.  Some wives feel like football widows or baseball widows but Elizabeth is a Tour de France widow.  Each day I set the DVR to record that days stage and watch it in the evening or afternoon.  The last couple of days have been especially exciting.  Tomorrow is a rest day so we get a break too.  The next real important stage is Thursday when the race moves into the real mountains.  That will start to separate the contenders from pretenders.  Add to this some doctors appointments and we have been very busy.
Everything is going well for both of us medical wise.  After nearly three months I think we finally got my Colitis back under control.  Today I took my last steroid.  Now time will tell if it really is in remission.  Elizabeth went to the doctors too this past week.  She gained a couple of pounds.  Or her that is a very good thing and things in general seem to be improving.
We are into the full blown heat of summer.  Daily highs are in the upper 90’s and the humidity is also high.   A couple of weeks ago, after something like 46 days we got measurable rain.  Our back yard rain gauge said 3 inches.  It was amazing how all the plants responded.  Everything turn from brown to green. But alas, no more since then. 

Things are well at work.  I am busy busy.  My future there seems more or less set.  The plant where I work is currently for sale.  The company hopes to sell it by the end of next year.  My current plan is to work until the sale.  I will probably not work for the new owner but I may go back and do some contract work.  While that is still 17 months away I am sure it will be here before we know it.  And the sale could always be completed earlier than that.

That is all for now.