Air Show
This is the one week end a year when we hear lots of noise from the air show. After suffering it for two days we decided the organizers owed us a free show. So we pack some goodies and chairs and went to the neighborhood park. We found some shade and watched the show. We could not see as well as if we were actually at Ellington but it was still good. Although it was a warm day, sitting in the shade with a wind blowing was actually quite comfortable. We were not the only ones to take advantage. Unfortunately for Candi there were too many people and other dogs to let her off her leash. Here are some pictures.
Us all settle in and ready for the show.  Includes a cooler of water and bag of goodies.  Even a water bowl for Candi.
One of the Air Force Thunderbirds.  They were the featured act.  They also were very loud when they flew overhead this close.  One time they even set off a car alarm.
Candi and Mommy watching

All six Thunderbirds in formation
When the planes were off turning around, Elizabeth would read

Every team does a star burst.

It was a wonderful day.  Right now Elizabeth is preparing supper and then we will watch our Sunday night shows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful day. I know our dog Junior would be scared of all the noise.
My husband was in the Air Force for 20 years and we have lived on quite a few bases, but we've never been to an air show!

Blogger Denise said...

Love air shows they always make me proud to be an American.

Blogger Barbara said...

Oh I love it Dave, we had the Flying Blue Angels in Jacksonville last weekend, it was a wonderful show, my children and grandchildren live there so we frequent the big city often, thanks for sharing your show, seen your link over at Elizabeth's, have a great day. Barbara

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