After much discussion and consideration Elizabeth and I decided it was time for us to move. We looked at new places and decided we would build a new house in a community for people 55+. The picture below is the model for our floor plan.

Once that decision was made, the next step was to sell our current house. The last time we moved we bought before we sold and we decided not to make that mistake again. Previous houses that went on the market in our neighborhood sold quickly so we hoped ours would too. It sold in about 6 hours. The first people to look at it made a full asking price offer. In fact when the photographer came to take pictures for the listing we already had a buyer. The new buyers are currently renting and in a hurry to move. They asked we close the sale Nov 8. Since our new house is still to be built, Elizabeth and I will have to rent an apartment for about 6 months. We have found an apartment very near to where our new house will be. All of this has happen over the past two weeks.
Since our apartment will be smaller than our current house, some of our stuff will go into storage until the new house is ready. We have been busy sorting and packing. Some stuff will not make the trip and will go to a garage sale. Twice per year our subdivision and garage sales. The next one is next week end. So right now our house is in a bit of turmoil.
We plan to move on Nov 2. Our plan was to move and then have the movers come back a second time to move stuff to storage. The other day it occurred to us we can move stuff to storage now. So that happens today. Of course the weather forecast is for scattered rain showers.
In this whole process, the possible rain is the first bump we have had. All of the other pieces have fallen into place when needed.
We are very much looking forward to this new chapter of our lives. I am sure there will be more bumps in the road but I also know there is a bright outcome at the end.
This is also bittersweet for me. I an excited about these changes and I am really excites about our new house. However it is located in a different town from where I have lived for the past 24 years. I told Elizabeth although the new house and apartment are only about 12 miles from here, I want us to embrace our new location. We will minimize running back to our current location for stuff. We have already started going to a new church. Some stuff we will not change like doctors. We have history with the current ones and appointments are infrequent enough that it is not a major issue.