April 14
It has been a busy couple of days.  Friday I did not get to ride as I had to go to the doctor's office at 9.  This was a ear nose and throat guy.  He started by removing a lot of wax from my left ear.  It got packed in there a couple of weeks ago when I mowed the lawn and jammed an ear plug in.  After he got that out I had a hearing test.  No surprise I have had some hearing loss.  We are now looking into hearing aids.  They are kind of expensive so the question that needs to be answered is if the hearing loss is severe enough to justify the expense.   We will see.  After lunch I worked around the house.  I had to replace a fence post and plant a couple of bushes.  The old 4 by 4 post was rotten at the the ground.  The hard part was removing the old post and concrete without making a huge hole that then needed to be refilled.  But I got it out and the new one cemented in.

Today I got up and did get to ride.  It was very windy.  Going out, into the wind, I averaged 13 miles per hour.  Coming back it was closer to 23.  I have an app on my phone called Map My Ride.  It keeps track of where I ride and plots on a map.  It also records stats like time distance and speed.  It also had a voice status option.  I did not realize this was turned on.  I had earphone on as I was listening to music.  Suddenly I hear this voice telling me how far I have ridden and how fast.  When I got home I showered and then we were off to run some errands.  When we got back we rested and then went to Mass.  I am going to ride in an organized ride tomorrow so we went to church tonight.

Phew no wonder I am tired.

By the way, Blogger was switched to a new format.  Art least it is new for me.  So far I have not found the comments tab.  So if you posted a comment and do not see it, please be patient I will find it soon.


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