Kind of sad, kind of glad
I saw in the news that Kodak has filed for bankruptcy.  I find that sad and at the same time reminds me that we never know how things will turn out.  I was born and grew up in Rochester New York.  My Dad was unusual in that he did not work for Kodak.  At its peak more than 60,000 people in Rochester did.  Several times over my career I tried to get a job with them.  But it never happen.  Now less than 7,000 people in Rochester work for them including some of my relatives.  I was once laid off from a job and I feel sad for them.  While my company has had some rocky times, it is pretty sounds financially.  If all goes according to plan I will retire at the end of this year with a pretty good pension and for that I am glad.  Those in a similar position at Kodak must certainly be worried about their pension.  Also if I had moved back to Rochester years ago I would never had met Elizabeth and I cannot imagine life without her in it.  This has happen to me before.  Events occur in my life which at the time seem horrible but ultimately turn out for the better.  All I can say is all those affected by this will be in my prayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is sad about Kodak. The fortunate part is that the downsizing has taken place over a number of years, so it does not drastically hit the economic stability of the area. But, I too have a number of friends and family still working there.

I really like your comment about when something bad happens, just wait and life will turn around. As the saying goes, "when one door closes, just wait because another one will open". Love you... Sue

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