Memorial Day week end
Well we are into the Memorial Day week end.  I hope we all can take a few minutes from sales, and picnics and focusing on summer and the end of school to remember the true meaning of this holiday.  Memorial Day was set aside to remember and honor those brave men and women who paid the ultimate price to defend our country, or freedoms and our way of life.  Thankfully Bryan is not in that group but we know several others who are.

I am a proud father of a US soldier



Blogger Susan said...

Hi Dave - You are so right about how Memorial Day has become more of a celebration of the start of the summer season. It should commemorate all men and women, who have served and/or died in military service for the United States but has become less of an occasion of remembrance. Memorial Day started as an event to honor Union soldiers, who had died during the American Civil War; it was called Decoration Day. I agree that it should still be a day to honor and remember all the brave men and women who put their lives on the line (and some who make the ultimate sacrifice) for the safety of our country. May G-d bless your son and keep him safe.

May we always be faithful to remember those who gave the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy.

Hope you and Elizabeth enjoy your weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I am a proud daughter. I will take some time and plant geraniums to honor Mom & Dad who were so proud of their country and all veterans.

Blogger Rhonda said...

Hi Dave
yes, a timely message from you.
I am proud to be the wife of a Marine who served during the first Gulf War and am very thankful he came back.

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