Well it is back to standard time. I am not going to debate the merits of switching the clocks but it does seem to me we are driven by time. I know the clock serves a very valuable function. Can you imagine the doctors office if everyone just showed up when they wanted? Also we would never be able to travel by bus, plane or train without schedules. In fact it was because of trains the country got on a standard clock. However like so much it can be overdone. I just spent a good deal of time (see there it is again) resetting the “clocks” in our house. Luckily a number of electronic devices like cable box, cell phones and computers reset themselves. Here are the ones I had to do manually. Also this is the bad time change. I was able to turn back only a few of these devices. Most had to be set ahead 11 or even 23 hours
The clock in the car
My cycle computer and heart rate monitor
Both the microwave and the oven
Little alarm clocks for our bedroom and the guest room
My watch. I have one while Elizabeth has several.
A wall clock.
We have several mantle clocks
A CD Player / radio
While the cable box set itself I still had to reset the DVD player and the TV manually

The clock in the car
My cycle computer and heart rate monitor
Both the microwave and the oven
Little alarm clocks for our bedroom and the guest room
My watch. I have one while Elizabeth has several.
A wall clock.
We have several mantle clocks
A CD Player / radio
While the cable box set itself I still had to reset the DVD player and the TV manually
The camera itself has a clock. We actually have two cameras
And last but not least I had to reset the clock in the thermostat.
Have a great day and try not to be late. Wait a minute, we set the clock back so try not to be too early.
I had no idea you had re-started your blog. I went on Facebook for the first time in a couple of months and skimmed through your role playing games and saw a little comment to check out your blog. I am so glad you are back. Love.... Sue
It must have been an all day task changing the clocks. I only have a few....two in the bedroom, two in the kitchen and I have two vehicles that I will change when I go out. Noticed your LL Bean clock, not because I'm a label person just that we live so close to where they are located it sort of sticks out.
Tick Tock
Oh I don't care for the time change. Remember when it was the Saturday before Halloween?
My husband has the worst "time" with our car clock! I find it easier to set the manual clocks then the digital ones!
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