Today while we were running errands one of our stops was at Wal Green’s . There Elizabeth got some candy corns. To her these are the first sign of fall. I guess it did not matter that today’s high temperature was in the 90’s. With candy corn in the candy jar, it is fall to Elizabeth. She asked me what the first sign of fall was to me. After some thought I realized I really do not think of fall since I live in Texas. Since I grew up in upstate New York, for me fall includes weather getting cooler, leaves changing color, apple cider fresh from the orchard and huge flocks of geese flying overhead. In fact in the south we really do not have the four season that people experience up north. Here we have two seasons, pleasant and unpleasant. The unpleasant one runs from mid May to about now. The days are typically so hot and humid you do all you can to minimize time spent outside. The rest of the year is actually quite nice. On rare occasion it will actually get cold, one year we actually woke to a white Christmas. The snow was gone soon after the sun rose but it was nice. In fact you get into a different mind set. A year and a half ago my Dad died at the end of Jan. I returned to upstate New York for the ceremony. I kept going out of the house without getting my coat and gloves and hat. Down here even in the middle of “winter” I rarely wear them. So for me autumn is about the things I mentioned above. I guess the sure sign of fall down here is seeing Christmas decorations already being sold in the stores.
What is your first sign of fall

What is your first sign of fall
I guess since we are in the upper South, we do get all four seasons. The first sign of fall for me is seeing the corn being harvested and feelinga slight coolness in the early morning air, even if it does end up being in the 90s that day. Some candy corn would be nice too! Think I'll pick some up this week!
Hi Dave,
I'm Casee from El Paso. I follow Elizabeth's blog, but today I thought I would check in with you.
We lived in Spring for five years during the 80's, so I understand your two seasons! In El Paso, we really do have four seasons, and it is now fall because the morning requires open windows and no air conditioning unit on! Nice and cool. Winter will bring cold temps and snow...but not like new york.
Say hi to Miss Candi for me!
Hi Dave,
I grew up in Delaware so autumn to me is also wrapped up in my memories.
It's nasty here in Mississippi too ~ about a week ago we had some decent weather but it's back to being hot and muggy again.
I like your description of weather down south ~ pleasant and unpleasant! How right you are ~ it's nice between October and April than it gets muggy. Oh well.
Love candy corn, I'll have to send the husband out on an errand for some :) and then just pretend we are having some pretty fall weather.
I bet Miss Candi would enjoy jumping in the leaves!
Hello Dave
Names Rachel and I comment occasionaly on Elizabeth’s Blog, We here get all the seasons ,it can rain left right up and down, if we are really lucky sometimes the sun shows up asking for directions lol.
I love Autumn old fashioned cooking the fire lit my dad in his chair and a good book or sewing for me to indulge in.
I love how you and Elizabeth share your lives and the sweet inputs miss Candi puts in, She is one very cute dog.
Have a wonderful day
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