I was just looking at my blog and I did not realize I had not updated it since Dad died. So here is the condensed version.
On Friday I flew to Rochester, New York. Mom picked me up at the airport. It was so good to see her even if the reason was a tragedy. We went back to her house and I had something to eat. After a while the rest of the family arrived and we spent the afternoon working out the details for the next day’s funeral. We had a late supper of meat loaf and scallop potatoes. The meal was provided by the neighbor across the street. I guess she thought there would be even more of us as she brought plenty of food. Over supper we all talked about Dad and our memories of him. It was a nice evening and the kind of time when you really are glad for family.
Once we were done I went to my sister’s house. Before we called it a night we wrote a eulogy for the next day. By the time I got to bed it had been a very long day.
On Saturday we got up to find it had snowed over night.
By brother-in-law had gone to the cemetery to make sure the snow was plowed. While there the truck broke down. He finally called my sister near frantic. They got that worked out. Meanwhile my niece had to go to the store to get some dress pants. She got some but they were too long and needed to be hemmed. While she got ready my sister hemmed the pant. All this happen before the funeral which was to start at 11. I must admit I was getting a bit anxious. I did not have a car so I had to wait until everyone else was rady to go to church. I had wanted to go see Mom before everything got started. Looking back, like so many things, I think it all worked out for the best. I think it would not have been a good idea to stop at Mom’s first. Funny how God knows what is best for us when we believe otherwise. In any event we got to the church about 10:30. As a family we were able to greet people as they arrived. The church was packed. In fact since there was a line out the door, we had to step aside so everyone could gel seated by 11.
It was a very nice service.
Many family members had parts to play. Grandchildren read the readings and played some of the music. The eulogy went well. We kept it light so I as able to get through it. I do not think I could have finished if it had been too personal too emotional. After Mass a very small group of mostly family went to the cemetery for a brief service. We did not stay to see them actually put Dad into the ground. That is always the most emotional part for me.
The afternoon found us at the American Legion. It was more of a celebration of Dad’s life. In fact I saw one card game going on. That would have made Dad happy. The Legion had a very nice ceremony where they play taps. A 21 gun salute and presented Mom with a flag.
Mom wanted to be alone that night so Sue, her husband Art, their daughter Ellen and I went to a restaurant for supper. We chose a restaurant that was special to Dad.
On Sunday I got up and had breakfast and then went to Mom’s. We did a bit of work around the house. Mom especially wanted to get rid of the clothes Dad had at the hospital. After that we ran some errands and did some shopping. It is interesting the different ways of thinking. In Houston when Elizabeth and I are running errands we always make the last stop the grocery store. You can’t leave refrigerated or frozen things in the car too long even during the winter. In upstate New York it is not such a problem. It is cold enough even if the car sits in bright sunshine. Around 3 we had a little family get together at Sue’s. Dad’s two remaining brothers and their wives were there. We did not talk so much about Dad as just share stores. Uncle Don lives in Ohio and it was been a long time since I last saw him and Aunt Pat. After that I went to visit a friend and watch the Super Bowl game.
On Monday Sue and I went to Mom’s to help her get started on the more mundane but still important stuff. Things such as finances, insurance etc. We worked on it all morning and got a start. Then we went to a place called Schaller’s for lunch. Of course I had a white hot. Upstate New York is the only place they make white hots so every trip there I have to have at least one. On the way home we stop at the DMV and got some information and forms.
That afternoon back at Mom’s we played Euchre. It was a fun afternoon even if I was the big loser.
Tuesday it was time for me to get back to my own family. My sister Karen dropped me at the airport. The flight was uneventful and I got home in time for supper. It was good to be home.
On Friday I flew to Rochester, New York. Mom picked me up at the airport. It was so good to see her even if the reason was a tragedy. We went back to her house and I had something to eat. After a while the rest of the family arrived and we spent the afternoon working out the details for the next day’s funeral. We had a late supper of meat loaf and scallop potatoes. The meal was provided by the neighbor across the street. I guess she thought there would be even more of us as she brought plenty of food. Over supper we all talked about Dad and our memories of him. It was a nice evening and the kind of time when you really are glad for family.
On Saturday we got up to find it had snowed over night.
It was a very nice service.
Many family members had parts to play. Grandchildren read the readings and played some of the music. The eulogy went well. We kept it light so I as able to get through it. I do not think I could have finished if it had been too personal too emotional. After Mass a very small group of mostly family went to the cemetery for a brief service. We did not stay to see them actually put Dad into the ground. That is always the most emotional part for me.
The afternoon found us at the American Legion. It was more of a celebration of Dad’s life. In fact I saw one card game going on. That would have made Dad happy. The Legion had a very nice ceremony where they play taps. A 21 gun salute and presented Mom with a flag.
Mom wanted to be alone that night so Sue, her husband Art, their daughter Ellen and I went to a restaurant for supper. We chose a restaurant that was special to Dad.
On Sunday I got up and had breakfast and then went to Mom’s. We did a bit of work around the house. Mom especially wanted to get rid of the clothes Dad had at the hospital. After that we ran some errands and did some shopping. It is interesting the different ways of thinking. In Houston when Elizabeth and I are running errands we always make the last stop the grocery store. You can’t leave refrigerated or frozen things in the car too long even during the winter. In upstate New York it is not such a problem. It is cold enough even if the car sits in bright sunshine. Around 3 we had a little family get together at Sue’s. Dad’s two remaining brothers and their wives were there. We did not talk so much about Dad as just share stores. Uncle Don lives in Ohio and it was been a long time since I last saw him and Aunt Pat. After that I went to visit a friend and watch the Super Bowl game.
On Monday Sue and I went to Mom’s to help her get started on the more mundane but still important stuff. Things such as finances, insurance etc. We worked on it all morning and got a start. Then we went to a place called Schaller’s for lunch. Of course I had a white hot. Upstate New York is the only place they make white hots so every trip there I have to have at least one. On the way home we stop at the DMV and got some information and forms.
That afternoon back at Mom’s we played Euchre. It was a fun afternoon even if I was the big loser.
Tuesday it was time for me to get back to my own family. My sister Karen dropped me at the airport. The flight was uneventful and I got home in time for supper. It was good to be home.
This is thge first time I read your blog about Dad very nice brought tears to my eyes,guess I never realized how much I would miss dad Love Mom
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