The picture above is so typical Mom. She is sitting at the table just off the kitchen. As usual she has been working in the kitchen so she is wearing an apron. Having gotten all the food preparation done and in the oven or on the stove it is time to sit down and have a cocktail.
The only thing I can figure is this represents the limit of God’s power. I think He had enough with Dad and needed Mom to take care of him as she did in this life for 58 years.
Good bye Mom we will all miss you so very much. Say hi to Dad for us.
Your loving son
Dave, I read Elizabeth's blog and yours as well.
I want to convey my sympathy to you, but also to remind you what a loving and merciful thing God did in taking your Mother so quickly and painlessly. She did not suffer, She was not sick. She did not have to lose her dignity in a hospital or nursing home. Indeed, it is a blessing from the Lord to be taken so quickly after a long and fruitful life!
I know it is easy to say these words when I am not walking in your shoes, but please have faith that God did what was so right and fitting for your mother.
god bless
diana in Illinois
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