Aug 28
As you can see from the last time I posted, this blog is a lower priority.  I will not say I did not have time but I have had more important stuff.  Now I will have more time, at least for a while.

Yesterday I had to have shoulder surgery.  Several months ago I started having pain and decreased range of motion in my right shoulder.  An MRI revealed a tear in the Rotator Cuff.  We tried physical therapy but that did not work.  So I had surgery.

The days started early for me.  I did not sleep well due to discomfort and I was scared about the operation.  After breakfast we went to the hospital and got checked in.  Then it was off to start the real stuff.  The first medical thing was  nerve block.  This was to reduce pain after surgery.  It must work as I feel little pain today.  I am also taking pain medicine.  I do not remember this procedure.  The next thing I knew they were taking me to the operating room.  The rest of the day is just bits and pieces.

I do remember and very much appreciate the support we had.  There were 5 or 6 people at the hospital to support me and more importantly Elizabeth.  Our friend Sid came back to the house to help get me settled.

Today I have a follow up appointment with the doctor late this morning.  Then this afternoon I start physical therapy.  My company has a very generous sick leave policy so for the next few weeks my main job is to get better.  I have learned I need to do as I am told by the experts.  We pay the doctor good money for his knowledge so I will do so told.

I am also learning to do things with just my left hand.  That is an adventure.


Blogger karylsquilts said...

Sorry your layed up, MR had shoulder surgey 2 yrs ago and healed fast, along with the PT !! Hope fully your wife will come out of hiding now too ! we miss her !

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