Feb 11
Here is how my Friday went. Note our week end is actually three days long, Friday through Sunday.

Friday was a very cold morning for southeast Texas. When I got up the temperature was below the physiological barrier of 30. That plus the fact that I am still recovering from an infection made riding my bike seem like a bad idea. So I left Greg, my bike, in the garage. I made some coffee and had my early morning quiet time. Around 8 Elizabeth got up. Before we ate I took Candi to the groomer. She really needed a bath and haircut. When I got home we had breakfast. I had some cereal. After breakfast I showered and got ready for the day. Then it was off to run some errands. These included stops at the Post Office, library, Hancock’s fabric and Kroger’s for groceries. By the time we got home Candi was done and ready to come home. This was a new groomer we tried. This one is closer to our house. They did a fairly good job. They really cut her ears back. This was good as they sometimes get into her food when she eats. It was also lunch time. I had a chef salad. After lunch it was time to go for a Remicade treatment. It is really not a big deal. All I do is sit in a recliner for about three hours while I receive the medicine by IV. I have a portable DVD player and started watching a series I received for Christmas. It is titled “America the story of us”. I think it was shown on the History Channel. I watched two episodes and it was quite good. I also napped for a bit. On the way home I stopped at Barnes and Noble to look for a magazine for Elizabeth. No luck there. Then it was home. For supper I had a Monte Christo sandwich and some French fries. It was very good. After supper I washed the dishes and took Candi for a walk. Elizabeth did not go with us as she had just taken a bath and was in her jammies. When we got home I dropped of Candi and went to my Friday meeting. Got home from that around 9:30 and had a cup of hot chocolate. Then it was bed time. Except for the Remicade that is a pretty typical Friday. The Remicade I have to have every 4 weeks. I think this medicine caused the effects of this sinus infection to be more significant and longer lasting. I would say than normal but this is my new normal.


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