While we are still not certain exactly when and where hurricane Ike will make land fall we are busy with our preparations. Right now it appears the storm will make land fall to the west of here. However since it is such a huge storm, hurricane force winds range almost 200 miles, we will still take a heavy hit. Here some of the things we have gotten together. One of the most important things is water. We could be without water for a period of time so we got 5 cases of drinking water. In addition we have several large buckets of water for flushing the toilet. With a bayou just across the street, we can easily refill these. We also have 10 gallons of gasoline. This is in addition to both cars having full tanks.
Next we have lights, a radios and batteries to run them.
We have several large trash bags we can use to cover stuff.

Lastly we have food. This is just an example of the staples you need to get together.

The outside of the house is also being prepared. Tomorrow we will get all of the stuff from the yard into the garage. Any looses objects can become deadly missiles in a 100 mile per hour wind. Some people in our neighborhood have already left. We have decided to stay here. We tried to evacuate for hurricane Rita and it was a disaster. We know of several people who were actually trapped in their cars when the sotrm hit due to the massive traffic jam. We would rather be home. When the storm hits if it looks like a problem we will move a mattress into the upstairs hall and camp under it. This will get us up and away from any water and also protect us from any debris. I do not expect that will be needed. If I really thought it was going to be that bad, we would already be gone.
I’ll try to post again before the storm hits.

Lastly we have food. This is just an example of the staples you need to get together.

The outside of the house is also being prepared. Tomorrow we will get all of the stuff from the yard into the garage. Any looses objects can become deadly missiles in a 100 mile per hour wind. Some people in our neighborhood have already left. We have decided to stay here. We tried to evacuate for hurricane Rita and it was a disaster. We know of several people who were actually trapped in their cars when the sotrm hit due to the massive traffic jam. We would rather be home. When the storm hits if it looks like a problem we will move a mattress into the upstairs hall and camp under it. This will get us up and away from any water and also protect us from any debris. I do not expect that will be needed. If I really thought it was going to be that bad, we would already be gone.
I’ll try to post again before the storm hits.
Hi Family Thinking of you keeping an eye on weather chanell. Be safe Love Mom
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