On Monday as I was typing my blog I thought, “I hope I do not jinks this by saying we dodged a bullet.” Apparently I did. It now appears we are going to take a direct hit from the storm. Below are the models and 5 day forecast. The biggest thing about the models is there is not good agreement. I think the models work well for storms on a straight path but when they start to curve as this one is expected to do, the accuracy breaks down. This is also a huge storm. Hurricane strength winds, that is winds in excess of 73 miles per hour, reach out 115 miles. Tropical storm strength winds, greater than 37 miles per hour, reach out 225 miles. With the expected landfall just down the coast, we are going to take a hit. I am off today. In fact I will not go back to work until Monday at the earliest. We still plan to stay at home. We have most of the supplies we will need. We have batteries, water, M&Ms (for Dave), Scoops (for Elizabeth) and marshmallows (for Candi). We have a few things to do today. My biggest concerns is we will loose power. Will keep you up to date.

Hi Dave Thinking of you this AMas I read the paperhope to check in on you a little latte Love Mom Be Safe
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